21 research outputs found

    Tindak Pidana Kepemilikan Senjata Api Dan Senjata Tajam Tanpa Ijin Untuk Melakukan Pencurian Dengan Kekerasan Secara Bersama-Sama (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara Nomor : 1212/Pid.B/2020/PN Jkt.Utr)

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    Kejahatan yang berkaitan dengan kepemilikan senjata api dan senjata tajam tanpa ijin untuk melakukan pencurian dengan kekerasan secara bersama-sama. Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara Nomor. 1212/Pid.B/2020/PN Jkt.Utr telah menyatakan bahwa para perbuatan telah terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan perbuatannya telah memenuhi rumusan delik Pasal 1 Ayat (1) UU Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 Jo Pasal 55 Ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP, Kedua Pasal 2 Ayat (1) UU Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 Jo Pasal 55 Ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP, Ketiga Primair Pasal 365 Ayat (2) ke-2 KUHP. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan unsur-unsur Pasal 1 Ayat (1) UU Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 Jo Pasal 55 Ayat (1) ke1 KUHP, Kedua Pasal 2 Ayat (1) UU Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 Jo Pasal 55 Ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP, Ketiga Primair Pasal 365 Ayat (2) ke-2 KUHP dan dasar pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam menjatuhkan sanksi pidana. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe penelitian hukum secara yuridis normatif, dengan metode pendekatan kasus (case approach) Spesifikasi penelitian ini adalah perskriptif, dengan jenis dan sumber data sekunder dan analisis data deskrtiptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa Majelis Hakim kurang tepat menerapkan dengan Pasal 365 Ayat (2) ke-2 KUHP. Perbuatan para terdakwa justru terbukti memenuhi unsur pengancaman sebagaimana diatur Pasal 368 KUHP dalam dakwaan subsidiar. Hakim dalam memutus telah mempertimbangkan baik dari aspek perbuatan maupun orangnya, kekuatan alat bukti, alasan penghapus pidana dan hal-hal meringankan dan memberatkakan terdakw

    Machine Vision-based Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot

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    Obstacle avoidance for mobile robots, especially humanoid robot, is an essential ability for the robot to perform in its environment. This ability based on the colour recognition capability of the barrier or obstacle and the field, as well as the ability to perform movements avoiding the barrier, detected when the robot detects an obstacle in its path. This research develops a detection system of barrier objects and a field with a colour range in HSV format and extracts the edges of barrier objects with the FindContoure method at a threshold filter value. The filter results are then processed using the Bounding Rect method so that the results are obtained from the object detection coordinate extraction. The test results detect the colour of the barrier object with OpenCV is 100%, the movement test uses the processing of the object's colour image and robot direction based on the contour area value> 12500 Pixels, the percentage of the robot making edging motion through the red barrier object is 80% and the contour area testing <12500 pixel is 70% of the movement of the robot forward approaching the barrier object

    Machine Vision-based Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot

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    Obstacle avoidance for mobile robots, especially humanoid robot, is an essential ability for the robot to perform in its environment. This ability based on the colour recognition capability of the barrier or obstacle and the field, as well as the ability to perform movements avoiding the barrier, detected when the robot detects an obstacle in its path. This research develops a detection system of barrier objects and a field with a colour range in HSV format and extracts the edges of barrier objects with the FindContoure method at a threshold filter value. The filter results are then processed using the Bounding Rect method so that the results are obtained from the object detection coordinate extraction. The test results detect the colour of the barrier object with OpenCV is 100%, the movement test uses the processing of the object's colour image and robot direction based on the contour area value> 12500 Pixels, the percentage of the robot making edging motion through the red barrier object is 80% and the contour area testing <12500 pixel is 70% of the movement of the robot forward approaching the barrier object

    Machine Vision-based Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robot

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    Obstacle avoidance for mobile robots, especially humanoid robot, is an essential ability for the robot to perform in its environment. This ability based on the colour recognition capability of the barrier or obstacle and the field, as well as the ability to perform movements avoiding the barrier, detected when the robot detects an obstacle in its path. This research develops a detection system of barrier objects and a field with a colour range in HSV format and extracts the edges of barrier objects with the FindContoure method at a threshold filter value. The filter results are then processed using the Bounding Rect method so that the results are obtained from the object detection coordinate extraction. The test results detect the colour of the barrier object with OpenCV is 100%, the movement test uses the processing of the object's colour image and robot direction based on the contour area value> 12500 Pixels, the percentage of the robot making edging motion through the red barrier object is 80% and the contour area testing <12500 pixel is 70% of the movement of the robot forward approaching the barrier object

    Analisa Perbandingan Kinerja Cross Platform Mobile Framework React Native dan FLutter

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    Dalam membuat aplikasi mobile, developer aplikasi harus membuat aplikasi untuk android dan ios, akan tetapi aplikasi yang dibuat untuk kedua sistem operasi tersebut memiliki bahasa dan logika pemrograman yang berbeda, sehingga developer memerlukan waktu, usaha, dan biaya dua kali untuk mengembangkan aplikasi yang sama. Kemudian, pada tahun 2015, facebook menyelesaikan permasalahan ini dengan mengembangkan suatu framework bernama react native, framework react native ini sehingga memungkinkan developer untuk mengembangkan aplikasi dalam single code base yang kemudian dapat berjalan di ios dan android, hingga kini framework react native merupakan mobile framework yang paling sering digunakan berdasarkan data survei dari website stackoverflow. Kemudian pada tahun 2018, google mengembangkan framework bernama flutter, sama halnya dengan react native, aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan framework ini dapat berjalan pada ios dan android, perbedaannya adalah flutter memiliki engine buatan mereka sendiri bernama skia sementara react native menggunakan bridge untuk mengcompile code yang telah dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman javascript menjadi Bahasa pemrograman swift dan c# untuk ios dan java/ kotlin untuk android. Penelitian ini menguji kinerja kedua framework pada 3 aplikasi yang telah dibuat dengan tampilan, dan fungsi yang sama lalu melihat penggunaan cpu, dan memori. Hasil akhir yang diperoleh react native unggul dalam penggunaan memori yang lebih rendah, sementara flutter unggul dalam penggunaan cpu yang lebih rendah

    KETERWAKILAN KEPENTINGAN MASYARAKAT OLEH DPRD KOTA SURAKARTA DALAM PERUMUSAN PERDA YANG PARTISIPATIF (Studi Kasus Terhadap Perumusan Perda Nomor 3 Tahun 2010 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah di Kota Surakarta)

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    The aim of this research is to find out: (1) City Council of Surakarta performance in arranging Local Regulation No. 3 in the year of 2010 about rubbish management which has not been able to represent people importance can be seen from the content of Clause 36 about prohibition and Clause 46 about Criminal Provision, (2) implementation of the content of Clause 36 about prohibition and Clause 46 about Criminal Provision of the Local Regulation No. 3 in the year of 2010 about Rubbish Management toward people importance.This research used qualitative research with study case method. Research strategy used in this research is single established strategy. Data sources are an informant, place and phenomenon, archive and document. The writer took the sample using purposive sampling. Techniques collecting the data used are interview, observation and document analysis. The writer uses triangulation data and method.  The analysis data uses interactive model such as data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusion and verification. Research procedures are preparation, data collection, data analysis, research report arrangement.Based on this research, it can be concluded that: (1) City Council of  Surakarta performance in arranging Local Regulation has not been able to represent people. (2) Impact of the content of Clause 36 and Clause 46 in the Local Regulation toward people importance is there will be people restlessness, people impoverishment, and for City Council Surakarta members, it can make people reduce the trust to them and also can make moral condemnation from the people

    Internet of things-based photovoltaics parameter monitoring system using NodeMCU ESP8266

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    The use of the internet of things (IoT) in solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is a critical feature for remote monitoring, supervising, and performance evaluation. Furthermore, it improves the long-term viability, consistency, efficiency, and system maintenance of energy production. However, previous researchers' proposed PV monitoring systems are relatively complex and expensive. Furthermore, the existing systems do not have any backup data, which means that the acquired data could be lost if the network connection fails. This paper presents a simple and low-cost IoT-based PV parameter monitoring system, with additional backup data stored on a microSD card. A NodeMCU ESP8266 development board is chosen as the main controller because it is a system-on-chip (SOC) microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and low-power support, all in one chip to reduce the cost of the proposed system. The solar irradiance, ambient temperature, PV output voltage and PV output current, are measured with photo-diodes, DHT22, impedance dividers and ACS712. While, the PV output power is a product of the PV voltage and PV current. ThingSpeak, an open-source software, is used as a cloud database and data monitoring tool in the form of interactive graphics. The results showed that the system was designed to be highly accurate, reliable, simple to use, and low-cost

    A laboratory scale IoT-based measuring of the solar photovoltaic parameters

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    Harvesting solar energy as a renewable energy source has received significant attention through serious studies that could be applied massively. However, the nonlinear nature of photovoltaic (PV) concerning the surrounding environment, especially irradiation and temperature, affects the resulting output. Therefore, the correlation between environmental parameters and PV's energy needs to be studied. This paper presents a design for measuring solar PV parameters monitored on a laboratory scale. The monitoring is based on internet of things (IoT) technology analyzed in real-time. The system was tested in various weather conditions for 18 hours. The results obtained indicate that the output voltage was influenced by the lighting factor of the PV and the surrounding temperature